Sana, Sana

“Sana sana, colita de rana,

Si no sanas hoy,

Sanarás mañana”

“Sana, Sana” is a series about my grandmother, Isabel. The nursery rhyme was something my grandmother used to say to me whenever I was hurt as a child. Lately, she talks a lot about the struggles of getting older and having to let go of some of the activities that were once easy for her. Arthritis, hip surgery, and just getting older are starting to take a toll on her. As I help her through simple life tasks like standing up from a chair or getting groceries, I feel as though the roles are reversed, and now I am saying “sana sana” to her. Even though she practically raised me as a child, creating this project with her made me realize a lot more about her and the impact she has had on my childhood. Many know her as a teacher, older sister, immigrant, and mother of three, but to me, she is Abuela. Her humor and positive outlook on life shine through these images, and it’s a trait I strive to have throughout the tougher years of my life. This project walks you through her ‘casita’ that I grew up in and shares the simple pockets of her life that mean more to us than most. I hope others see the beauty in her life that she sometimes doesn’t see.


“Heal heal, tail of the frog,

If you don’t heal today,

Heal tomorrow”